The world needs your story.
Have you tried and failed to get your novel onto the page? Do you struggle with self-doubt, imposter syndrome, procrastination . . . or all of the above?
First, you haven't failed. Novel writing is hard. But nobody said you have to do it alone, and Storied can help. Each week, we'll conquer a different aspect of novel-writing processes to build routines that work for you, all with personal guidance and in community with other writers.
Register today, and hurry: this is an introductory offer, and we begin July 10 with a cohort capped at twelve.
***I offer two scholarships per cohort: one for a BIPOC writer and one for a trans or non-binary writer. Please email me at [email protected] or schedule a free call for details.***
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Keep in touch to learn more prior to Storied's next launch, including special promotions and discounts.